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The mooncake box is adorned with many patterns of meaning

From:Buke printing factory of China | Author:China Bukeprinting factorybook0755 | Published time: 2020-04-16 | 4556 Views | Share:
In ancient times, mooncakes were not packaged. Now, due to the custom of giving gifts during the Spring Festival, the packaging design of mooncakes has become popular. The packaging box of mooncakes can be traced back to the last century because mooncakes have not yet been sold as a commodity in the market. At present, in order to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of mooncakes, the packaging of mooncake boxes is generally sealed with plastic bags. The beautiful mooncake gift box is packaged outside, making it a great gift for family and friends.


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In ancient times, mooncakes were not packaged. Now, due to the custom of giving gifts during the Spring Festival, the packaging design of mooncakes has become popular. The packaging box of mooncakes can be traced back to the last century because mooncakes have not yet been sold as a commodity in the market. At present, in order to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of mooncakes, the packaging of mooncake boxes is generally sealed with plastic bags. The beautiful mooncake gift box is packaged outside, making it a great gift for family and friends.

In recent years, the packaging of mooncake gift boxes has become increasingly luxurious. The outer box looks gorgeous, and the materials that need to be packaged look very valuable because such exquisite packaging is more suitable for giving people as gifts. We will find that many mooncake boxes are decorated with many patterns, so what do these flowers mean?

Mooncake boxes are usually decorated with fresh flowers, usually peonies. Why do artists like to use peonies to decorate mooncake gift boxes? Peony pattern flowers are the essence of traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing history, and have a unique style. Peony flowers are used in modern packaging design, reflecting the ethnic characteristics of the Mid Autumn Festival. Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China, and using peonies is just right.

The beautiful meaning of peonies must be well-known to many people. Putting peonies in a mooncake gift box as a gift will definitely brighten people's eyes. It can enhance the level of traditional culture. Since the Tang Dynasty, peonies have been very popular among people, and until now, they have been the national flower of China, expressing the beauty and happiness of prosperity.

Peony also represents richness and variety. When giving gifts, people see peonies, which is a very auspicious feeling. As a packaging decoration, peonies have a rich history because their patterns are very beautiful and delicate, beautiful and moving. They can express more colorful patterns in different ways. There is an old saying that when peonies die and become ghosts, they can fully see the charm of peonies.

As a decorative language on mooncake boxes, peonies have a strong ethnic flavor that no flower can achieve. That realm is also a historical accumulation of many years, let alone packaging design. Looking only at the variety of peonies, they have a full form, bright colors, and delicate and vivid brilliance, so they have such a long artistic life.

The peony flowers dotted on the moon cake gift box not only integrate people's longing for a better life and good wishes for happiness, but also mean that the whole country is rich and powerful, not as small as some flowers, so peony flowers are very noble, so many designers are willing to use peony flowers to design moon cake gift boxes.

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